Families Need Not Be Perfect to Be Holy
January 6th, 2024
Dec. 31, 2023The Sunday between Christmas and the Solemnity of Mary (Jan. 1) is the Feast of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This is obviously a time when the Church wants us to reflect on t...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Our Christmas Celebration Begins
December 29th, 2023
Dec. 24, 2023The Fourth Sunday of AdventThe Gospel reading for this last Sunday of Advent, is the story of the Annunciation by the Angel Gabriel to Mary. This is the most read Bibe story in the Missal...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Rejoice in the Lord
December 22nd, 2023
Dec. 17, 2023This Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, is Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means joy, and the readings and prayers for this day focus on the joy we experience because of the coming of Jesus.   J...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Prepare the Way of the Lord
December 16th, 2023
Dec. 10, 2023The two great images of Advent are St. John the Baptist and the Blessed Mother. In our first reading today, we hear Isaiah speaking of the one who would be a voice crying out, “In the des...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Advent Begins—Happy New Year
December 8th, 2023
Dec. 3, 2023Today the Church begins a new Liturgical Calendar. As has been noted in previous bulletins, the Church’s calendar differs from the standard calendar, because its primary purpose is to tell...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Time to Ready Our Hearts
December 1st, 2023
Nov. 26, 2023Next Sunday, on the First Sunday of Advent, the Church begins its new Liturgical Year. Let’s review that as we prepare to begin.   The liturgical calendar serves a very different purpose ...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Be Prepared
November 24th, 2023
Nov. 19, 2023The Gospels for the past few weeks have presented the same message—be prepared for the return of the Lord. The Gospel for this week continues that message. It is the Parable of the Talent...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Help Us Bring God's Kingdom to Life
November 18th, 2023
Nov. 12, 2023The 32nd Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year is celebrated in the United States as Stewardship Sunday. Stewardship is a way to look at our own ownership and participation in the life o...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
God Is Calling....Will You Answer?
November 11th, 2023
Nov. 5, 2023Today is Vocation Awareness Sunday. I think we are all aware of the dramatic need for an increase in Church vocations today. Cincinnati, which is experiencing a more severe shortage than w...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Saints Are Our Spiritual Heroes
November 4th, 2023
Oct. 29, 2023November is the last month of the Church’s liturgical year. We begin the new liturgical year on the First Sunday of Advent, which will be on Dec. 3. During this final month of the liturgi...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Give to Caesar What Is Caesar's and to God What Is God's
October 27th, 2023
Oct. 22, 2023You will often hear people describe the Bible as a book of answers. I see it, rather, as a book of questions. This is especially true when we are reading some of Jesus’ responses to His f...  Read More
by Fr. Mike ComerOct. 22, 2023 You will often hear people describe the Bible as a book of answers. I se
Pray for Peace
October 20th, 2023
Oct. 15, 2023As I write this, we are only three days into the war that has broken out between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The most recent information that I have seen says that over...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer