all god's children supports parents of lgbtq children

A support group of Catholic parents who have a child who embraces an LGBTQ identity or lifestyle has been meeting for several years. These are faithful Catholics who love their Catholic faith and who love their LGBTQ children, and who are struggling because of the obvious conflicts involved. They are not an advocacy group who are trying to change the Church’s teaching on these matters in any way.
This Wednesday, Aug. 28, at 7 pm, Bishop Iffert will be saying Mass with this group at St. Joseph in Cold Spring, where they meet monthly. I and some other priests, as well as deacons, will be participating in the Mass as well. Bishop Iffert is not making any kind of move to challenge the teaching of the Church on sexual relationships between same-sex couples, or to promote same-sex marriage. The Mass is intended to show that he is aware that parents are struggling, and suffering because of their love for both the Church and for their children. That is why I will be there as well.
Bishop Iffert has caught some heat because of his willingness to do this Mass, from people who do not understand why he is doing it. If you hear complaints, try to let them know that this group and Bishop Iffert want to be faithful to the Church, and loving and merciful to those who are in same-sex relationships.