Parish Ministries

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

—Mark 10:45

At Mother of God Church, we understand that the best way to build community is through service—within our parish and beyond our walls. If you have time and talent to share, we have lots of opportunities for you. Take a look at our directory of services and choose what interests you. and if you have an idea for a ministry you don't see here, we're open to that too. Just contact a member of Parish Council with your suggestion.

Parishioners regularly volunteer to serve meals at the Emergency Shelter of Northern KY.

parish Leaders

Members of the Parish Finance Council and Parish Pastoral Council are appointed by the pastor. If you are interested in serving on either, please contact the parish office.

Pastor: Fr. Michael Comer, 859-816-3198 (cell)

Parish Finance Council

Contact person: Patti Steinmetz, 859-291-2288
Finance Council works with the pastor to take care of the facilities and to meet all financial responsibilities.
  • Vic Canfield
  • Mary Ann Kelly
  • Ian Munday
  • Joe Nienaber
  • Michael Sketch
  • Carol Spaulding

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

Chair: Cindy Hassan  
Meets 3rd Monday, 6:30 pm
The council studies, discusses, and advises the pastor on all important parish matters.

Serve in our church

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. "
—Matthew 28:16-20

Scroll down for a list of ministry opportunities


Fr. Michael Comer, pastor, 859-291-2288
Caroline Olberding, sacristan
Cindy Duesing, music
Vic Canfield, church decoration

Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Sacristans, Greeters and Ushers

Lisa Wetterich,  513-484-5334 (cell)
Training available. Contact the parish office at 859-291-2288. 

Bereavement Ministry

Carol Fausz, 859-292-2288
Volunteers assist families with funeral services on the day of the funeral. 


Aaron Duesing
Volunteer technicians operate the camera for live stream of Sunday Masses and other events. StreamSpot is accessible via the parish website, Facebook and YouTube channels.


Meg Booker
Sunday 9:30 am Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Every Tuesday, 11 am-noon
Spend an hour before the 12:05 Mass in adoration at church each week. Eucharistic Adoration is also livestreamed so you can participate from another location. Just click on the "Watch Mass Online" button on the home page..

Contemporary Ensemble

Cindy Duesing, director
Sunday 11:30 am Mass; Rehearsal Wednesday at 7:30 pm. The ensemble leads the congregation in worship through contemporary and traditional music. The group also ministers at weddings, funerals and other occasions. For more information, contact Cindy. 


"Know Your Faith" Lectures/Discussions

Fr. Mike Comer, 859-291-2288
Thursdays, 11 am and 6:30 pm, in church
Seasonal talks on scripture, prayer and the Catholic faith. Open to all. Also streamed on the parish website, Facebook and YouTube. 

Education Committee

Fr. Mike Comer, 859-291-2288
This committee coordinates opportunities for continuing faith formation to the parish on all levels. Speakers, book clubs, and other events are coordinated throughout the year. 

"Formed" Online Studies

This online program provides Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith from anywhere. Supports movies, children's books, ebooks, audio dramas, parish programs and studies directly to mobile or connected devices.

Baptism Preparation, Marriage Preparation

If you want to arrange to be married at Mother of God or have a child baptized, contact Ellen Habermehl in the parish office at 859-291-2288.

Sacramental Preparation for Children

Contact the parish office: 859-291-2288
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation for children in 2nd grade and older. Children attending public and Catholic schools are asked to participate in these sessions. Registration announced in the bulletin.
Confirmation preparation—for members of our parish in the junior high grades occurs every other year. We partner with other parishes in our area.

Prince of Peace School

Christina Rice, principal
625 Pike Street, Covington, 859-431-5153,
Catholic Montessori education for age 3 through grade 8.

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)

Fr. Michael Comer, 859-816-3198
Bridget Kaiser Munday
Ian Munday,
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm Year-round
OCIA is faith formation for adults responding to God's call to become Catholic Christians through the sacraments of initiation.


Parish Contact: Mary Ann Kelly, parish office, 859-291-2288
The Diocese of Covington requires that all employees and volunteers be Virtus-trained to provide a safe environment for all God's children.

service within the parish

Hospitality Committee

Cindy Hassan
This group plans activities and events to make people feel welcome and involved in our parish.
Coffee and donuts after Sunday Mass
—Volunteer rotation one Sunday per month.
Parish events include: Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day party, Holy Thursday dinner, parish picnic, Oktoberfest, Christmas party
—Volunteers help with planning, setup, serving and cleanup.


Cindy Duesing, 859-512-1063
Maintains the parish website and social media sites. Assists the pastor and Pastoral Council to communicate, both internally and externally. Posts the parish digital newsletter, The Connector, which is emailed each week to all parishioners.

Fair Trade Coffee Sellers

Vicki Cimprich, 859-341-0093
Tanya Stager, 859-331-4151
Sells Fair Trade coffee and other items on the first Sunday of the month after 9:30 Mass in the church hall.

Knights of St. John

Jim Kiger, 859-341-6235
Vic Canfield, 859-291-2288
We are a Catholic men's service organization. Members and their families are active on a long list of volunteer activities in the Church and in our communities. We also provide scholarships for students in local Catholic high schools. This enables us to profess our faith to others.

Emergency Preparedness Committee

Fr. Michael Comer, 859-291-2288
This group assesses and facilitates parish readiness in the event of an emergency, including CPR training, maintenance of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and security.

Fr. Michael Comer, 859-291-2288
This group assesses and facilitates parish readiness in the event of an emergency, including CPR training, maintenance of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and security.

Ministry for Homebound

Mary Ann Kelly, 859-291-2288
This ministry is for parishioners who are sick or in care facilities., offering visits, phone calls and greeting cards. For Eucharistic ministry at home or hospital, please contact Fr. Michael Comer, 859-291-2288.

Tourism Committee

Vic Canfield, 859-291-2288
Bob Stevie, 513-236-3333
This group gives regular tours of Mother of God Church to visitors and new parishioners. No experience needed. Training and information will be provided.

Young Adult Ministry

Bridget Kaiser Munday
This group began in 2021 with the idea of creating a community for young people at Mother of God. Each month, they gather for fellowship, fun and worshiping—from board game nights to excursions and service in the community to fish frys in the diocese to bible studies. All who consider themselves young adults (20-40-something) are welcome to attend.

Senior Social Group

Angie Kiger, 859-620-2347
Carol Fausz, 859-409-3730
Newly formed group will organize a variety of social gatherings for the adults of the parish. Activities may include day trips, overnight tours, museum visits, sporting events, plays, concerts, game nights, dinners, and other activities depending upon interests.

New Beginnings

This is a faith-based group for separated and divorced individuals. The program is sponsored by the Diocese of Covington. For more information, call 859-392-1592.

outreach/service by the parish

St. Vincent de Paul Society-Mother of God Parish

Kathleen Brossart
4th Monday, 7 pm
Vincentians meet with clients on a one-on-one basis to address their immediate needs. The parish conference provides assistance with food, clothing, rent, utilities, transportation and companionship to those facing economic, emotional or spiritual crisis. To do this, they take up a quarterly collection. Annual Bundle Sundays encourage parishioners to donate used items to be distributed through SVDP-NKY.

Deaf Community

Mark Rosing, 513-965-1411 (text/voice)
Steve Keller
The Deaf Community worships together at 11:30 am Mass every Sunday and socializes afterward in the church hall. ASL interpreters sign the Masses.

Giving Tree

Bridget Otto
Volunteers put up a Christmas tree in the back of church and attach cards and envelopes to the tree. For the first two weeks, cards will provide suggestions for gifts to be donated to the Be Concerned Christmas Store. For the following weeks, envelopes will be provided for monetary donations to local charities.

Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky

Dave Boyle, parish contact for Mother of God volunteers
Alan Kindred, community engagement specialist, 859-291-4555
This organization provides life-saving shelter in cold weather and life-changing residence programming in the summer. Volunteers help guest in the morning and evenings and serve the evening meal.

Welcome House

1132 Greenup Street, Covington, KY 859-431-8717
Volunteer Opportunities: Natalie Endres, 859-292-9352
This agency offers a variety of housing options ranging from immediate shelter to long-term supportive housing. Provides a continuum of services to take individuals and families from housing uncertainty to housing stability.


1100 W. Pike St., Covington, KY, 859-291-6789
Volunteer Information: Nancy Hiltibrand, 859-468-2722
BeConcerned provides free food monthly to low-income families and seniors and is the largest pantry in Northern KY. Betty's Treasures Thrift Store at the same address is open to the public and offers housewares, clothing and furniture at nominal prices. They also offer additional seasonal programs to assist low-income families.

Catholic Charities

3629 Church St., Latonia, 859-581-8974
Jill Walch, volunteer coordinator,
Cindy Hassan, parish contact for Mother of God volunteers
Catholic Charities provides child and family services, counseling, housing and home ownership assistance, and community outreach. Examples of outreach include:

Parish Kitchen
1561 Madison Ave., 859-581-7745
Jim Wendeln
Serves a full, hot meal daily, 11:30 am-1:30 pm

Jail and Prison Ministry
Dave Pike
Strives to meet the spiritual needs of those who are impacted by the criminal justice process. Volunteers meet with groups of inmates to read Scripture, pray, teach classes and listen.

Food for Friends Mobile Food Pantry
John Hehman
Serves low-income residents in Bracken, Grant, Gallatin, Mason, Owen and Pendleton counties.

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL)
Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, from 6-8 pm. Provides continuing education along with support, at no charge, for parents with children suffering from alcohol or drug addiction.

Disaster Response
Potential for parish volunteers as needed.

Walking with Moms and Dads in Need

This pro-life group works to raise awareness of life issues and Church teaching and to encourage action in the defense of life. It also supports women with unplanned or difficult pregnancies.

CareNet Pregnancy Services of Northern KY

7129 Price Pike, Florence, KY
Andrea Lonneman, contact for Mother of God Baby Bottle Campaign
CareNet provides education, support and mentoring during and after unplanned pregnancy.

Rose Garden Mission

2040 Madison Ave., Covington, KY, 859-491-7673
The Franciscan Daughters of Mary operate this pregnancy care center. They work with mothers to make good choices during pregnancy and to meet material needs. They also offer a food pantry, primary care and dental clinics, among other services.

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.