are you interested in becoming catholic?

Last Sunday I received Freddie Caldwell into full membership in the Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. We welcome him into our parish family.
Having completed this past year’s process of initiation, we are at the beginning of a new time of preparation. The normal process takes about nine months to a year, beginning in August and concluding at Easter. That is required for those who come to us and have never been baptized. For those who have been baptized, and who have been active members of another denomination, we can sometimes shorten that process, taking into account the religious education that they had received before coming to us.
If you are considering joining the Catholic Church, or learning more about it, please call me at 859-816-3198. I would really like to meet with you and find out how we can assist and support you.
We are not ready to start a new process just yet, but we will announce a beginning date soon.