Master, to Whom Shall We Go?
August 29th, 2024
Aug. 25, 2024Today we conclude five weeks of readings from the sixth chapter of the Gospel of St. John. On the first week, we read the story of the multiplication of loaves and fishes. And for the pas...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Wisdom Has Built Herself a House
August 23rd, 2024
Aug. 18, 2024Our first two readings for this week speak of wisdom. In the first, the Book of Proverbs tells us that Wisdom has built herself a house and invites all to come and feast at her table. In ...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
The Bread Come Down from Heaven
August 16th, 2024
Aug. 11, 2024This Sunday we continue our reflection on the Bread of Life Discourse, in chapter six of the Gospel of St. John.  Jesus’ listeners are offended that He calls Himself the bread that com...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
The Bread of Life Discourse
August 10th, 2024
Aug. 4, 2024Last Sunday we began a five-week series of readings focused on the sixth chapter of the Gospel of St. John. We began with the story of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes last week...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
We Participate in the Miracle
August 3rd, 2024
July 28, 2024Each of the Gospels include the story of the multiplication of loaves and fishes. Each includes some details that are not in the others. My favorite telling of the story is the Gospel tha...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Who Was Mary Magdalene?
July 27th, 2024
July 21, 2024This Monday, July 22, we celebrate the feat of Mary Magdalene. There are very few saints whose reputation has been more unjustly sullied by the Church itself, than Mary Magdalene. How did...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Bishop Iffert Launches Campaign of Mercy
July 20th, 2024
July 14, 2024A few weeks ago, Bishop Iffert launched a Campaign for Mercy in the Diocese of Covington. This campaign is based on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and encourages all parishes a...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
The Thorn in the Flesh
July 13th, 2024
July 7, 2024Our second reading for today is taken from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. Paul has talked about a man (it was actually Paul himself) who was “taken up to the seventh heav...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Happy Independence Day
July 5th, 2024
June 30, 2024On Thursday we will celebrate the Fourth of July, Independence Day. It has always intrigued me that we celebrate our nation’s independence, not on the day that we won the Revolutionary ...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Do You Not Yet Have Faith?
June 29th, 2024
June 23, 2024In this week’s Gospel we see the Apostles and Jesus in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. Jesus is sleeping, as a squall blew up, and the waves were threatening to sink the boat. Panic...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Happy Father's Day
June 21st, 2024
June 16, 2024Many years ago, I heard a comedian talking about how kids relate differently to fathers and mothers. He spoke about a boy who played football throughout his school years. His dad took him...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer
Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall
June 14th, 2024
June 9, 2024The first three chapters of the Book of Genesis tell the story of the creation of the world and the calamitous fall of man.   Adam and Eve listened to the lies of the serpent (Satan), an...  Read More
by Fr. Mike Comer