diocesan annual appeal begins March 3

I created some confusion a couple of weeks ago when I announced the beginning of the DPAA for 2024. March 3 is actually the Announcement Sunday for the Appeal. We are showing the video from Bishop Iffert at both Masses.
The theme for this year’s DPAA is drawn from today’s Gospel about the cleansing of the temple. People responded to Jesus’ actions by saying, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” As Jesus showed His zeal for the integrity of the worship at the temple, so we show our own zeal for the Church through our generous support of the ministries of the DPAA.
The Appeal helps to support the retired priests of the diocese, making sure that they have the housing that they need, as well as their healthcare. Mothers and fathers gain the skills to be good parents. Homeless men and women and children find shelter and a hot meal. Catholic values are instilled through our schools and parish religious education programs. Seminarians receive education and training. Mothers choose life for their babies, and parishes receive funds to serve their members with enhanced and new ministries and programs.
Please prayerfully reflect upon God’s love for you, review all the materials you receive, and listen to the DPAA messages presented at Mass. Then, come to Mass on Sunday, March 17, ready to make your gift.
The goal for Mother of God Church is $58,600. All donations that come in over this goal return to the parish.
Please be generous to the ministries funded by the DPAA and to Mother of God Church.