this week's feasts

The Chair of St. Peter, the Apostle

In the Basilica of St. Peter, at the very back wall of the basilica, there is a bronze sculpture by Bernini of four figures holding up a chair. The four figures are doctors of the Church, two from the West and two from the East.  The Eastern doctors are St. John Chrysostom and St. Athanasius. The Western doctors are St. Ambrose and St. Augustine.
The bronze chair is said to contain an actual wooden chair that was the throne of St. Peter. It has been proven that the wooden chair actually dates from the 6th century, so it cannot be the actual throne of St. Peter.
Even though the sculpture does not truly contain the original throne of St. Peter, it is still a magnificent sculpture that speaks to us of one of the most important truths of our faith. St. Peter was appointed by Jesus to be the first pope, when He declared, “Peter, you are rock, and on this rock, I will build my Church. And the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I give to you the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. What you declare loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven. What you declare bound on earth will be bound in Heaven.”  This wonderful sculpture testifies to the Church’s faith in the authority of St. Peter, handed down to future popes who are his successors. 
On Saturday, Feb. 22, we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter.