this is the year of mark

As we begin Ordinary Time, we want to remember that we are in Year B and that we will read almost exclusively from the Gospel of Mark, with a five-week exception.
Mark’s Gospel is the earliest, written around 60 BC. It seems to have been written before the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, because those terrible events are not even hinted at by Mark, although they are in the other Gospels. Most scholars believe that Matthew and Luke each had a copy of Mark’s Gospel in front of them as they wrote their Gospels, as much of their Gospels follow Mark’s word for word.
Unlike Matthew and Luke, Mark does not have an Infancy Narrative. He launches right into the ministry of John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus. 
Mark’s portrayal of Jesus focuses on His actions, rather than His words. His Gospel contains very little of the teaching of Jesus found in the other Gospels.
Because Mark’s Gospel is fairly short, although the Passion scenes are more developed, it has been called a Crucifixion narrative, with a long introduction.
I really encourage everyone to get out your Bible and read the entire Gospel of Mark straight through. It will take you less than half an hour. Then go back and begin reading it more carefully and more prayerfully. Ask questions of the text such as, “What do I learn about Jesus in this passage? What do I learn about His expectations of me? Is He giving me words of encouragement, of hope, of challenge? Is He calling me to repentance and transformation in some way?