new talk series runs through advent

Earlier this month, Fr. Mike Comer began offering a series of three talks on the Wednesdays of Advent—Dec. 4, 11 and 18—at 11 am and 6 pm, on the Infancy Narratives. The talks take place in church and are streamed live on the parish website and Facebook.

Only the Gospels of Matthew and Luke tell us the stories of Jesus' birth and childhood. The first session, on Dec. 4, was a general introduction to the Infancy Narratives, the second on Dec. 11, looked closely at Matthew’s Infancy Narrative, and the third, on Dec. 18, will look at the Narrative in the Gospel of Luke.

Like Lent, Advent is a time when we dedicate ourselves to pray more and to serve God more faithfully. Some of us recall the special Advent from our childhood, when we were encouraged to use this time to do special acts of charity. Let us embrace that practice.

If you missed any of the Infancy Narrative sessions, or if you would simply like to rewatch them, you can find them on our parish website. Go to the home page and scroll down to "Fr. Mike's Talks." The link to the Infancy Narratives is the first one on the page.