labor day celebrates meaningful work

Tomorrow is Labor Day, one of the most important national holidays that we celebrate. It is a day that began as a celebration of the successes of the labor unions which brought about safer work conditions and better wages for workers. These were certainly important advances, and we must constantly work to make life better for those who labor.
Labor Day has evolved to include not only those who work with their hands and their backs, but also those who work in offices, in banks, and those who are executives as well as employees. It is a day on which we reflect on the meaning of work and the blessings it provides.
All work should be a partnering with God in the building up of this world so that it can be a blessing for all of God’s people. We plant, grow, and harvest crops to feed the world. We build homes, and cities, and roads, and buildings for the sake of a better life for all. We work to provide a quality way of life for our families, for ourselves, and for others.
Partnering with God in work also means protecting and preserving this planet that He has given us as a home. Every generation must strive to leave to future generations a planet Earth that is as beautiful, safe, and productive as we received it. I think we all know that we are failing in this regard.
Most of us will spend Labor Day as time to be with family, to eat and to rejoice. Let us not forget to take time to remember what it is really all about.