back to ordinary time

St. Luke
The Baptism of the Lord is the beginning of Ordinary Time in the Church’s liturgical calendar. Remember that the Church year, the liturgical year, is an annual meditation of the life and ministry and words of Jesus Christ. We are in the third year of the three-year cycle of readings, so we will be focused on the Gospel of Luke throughout the year.
As you perhaps know, I do not like the designation of Ordinary Time. Because Christ has entered into time, all time is sacred and is anything but ordinary. The word “Ordinary” actually refers to Ordinal Time. Ordinal numbers refer to our use of first, second, third, etc. as opposed to cardinal numbers which designate how many things there are—one, two, three, etc.
Ordinary Time will be broken up by the seasons of Lent and Easter, Advent and Christmas, and will end on the Solemnity of Christ the King.