three ways to prepare for lent

Lent is only a couple of weeks away (Ash Wednesday will be on March 5). I hope that each of us will take some time to prepare for that great holy season. Perhaps what we most need to do to prepare is to reflect on the three Lenten disciplines: Prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We are called to practice all these all the time, but to focus especially on them during Lent.

  • Prayer—How will you seek to grow in your prayer relationship with Christ during Lent? Are you praying regularly now? Do you need to schedule prayer as a regular part of your day? Do you need to focus more when you are praying? Will you add the rosary or the Liturgy of the Hours or some other prayer form to your daily prayer?
  • Fasting—The Church asks us to do a minor fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This means to eat only one full meal for the day, and the other two meals should not add up to a full meal. We are also asked to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent, including Good Friday. You certainly can make a more serious fast at times during Lent. Fasting is also about “giving something up” during Lent. What sacrifice will you make during this sacred time?
  • Almsgiving—This officially is about giving money to support the poor but can also be understood as actions that we will take to do something to support or help someone in need. How will you use this Lenten season to grow in almsgiving?