every life has purpose

October is Respect Life Month, and this Sunday is Respect Life Sunday. Many of us thought that the overturning of Roe v. Wade would bring about a new era of respect for the dignity of the life of the unborn. We have found that the struggle to protect the unborn will be a much longer and more difficult fight than many of us realized.
The dignity of the human person is the foundation of Catholic social teaching. We believe that every human being is created by God, in God’s own image and likeness, and is a beloved child of God, possessing infinite worth and value. From the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, the life of the individual must be respected and protected. This is why the Church opposes abortion, capital punishment, war, and any other activity that denies or demeans any human life.
It deeply saddens me when I encounter so-called pro-choice Catholics. I wonder how they have been so misled by our culture of death, and by Satan himself, who is a great murderer and destroyer of human life and dignity. Abortion is the sacrament of Satan. In the great Sacrament of Christ we hear the words, “This is my body, which is given up for you.” Satan has perverted those words into, “My body, my choice.” Jesus tells us, “I die so that you may live.” Those who embrace abortion say, “You must die so that I may live the life that I wish for myself.”
Abortion says that this child is not a child, that it is not a child of God, created in His image and likeness, that it does not have infinite dignity based on God’s love, that it does not have a right to be born, to be welcomed, and to be loved. God said to Jeremiah, “Before I knit you in your mother’s womb, I knew you, I loved you, and I had a plan for you.” Abortion says of this child, “Before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, God did not know you, did not love you, and He has no plan for you. Your life has no purpose in God’s plan.”
It is not the Church’s intention, or mine, to shame and defame any mother or father who has chosen abortion. The Pro-Life movement makes it very clear that in every abortion, there are at least two victims—a baby and a woman who has been lied to by the culture of death and by Satan. Often the father is also a victim of the abortion. But it is important to state clearly the truth of the Gospel of Life, so that those who are facing difficult and unplanned pregnancies do know what an abortion is, so that they can choose life for their child.