the rosary is a powerful tool against evil

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will be victorious.”
Our Blessed Mother spoke these words to the three child visionaries in Fatima in 1917. She did so after announcing the prophesies of the coming calamities of the 20th century. She announced that World War I would soon come to an end, but that a worse war would occur if the world did not turn to God. World War II did come about.  She also spoke of the revolution in Russia and said that Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, and that the Church would face great persecution because of those errors. That prophecy also came true.
But she concluded with this hopeful promise, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will be victorious.” And that promise came true with the fall of the Soviet Union.
Our world now faces many threatening situations. Most obvious is the war between Ukraine and Russia, which threatens to become a nuclear war, and to expand to become a Third World War that will drag all nations into its destructive power. There is also the conflict between China and Taiwan, which also has the potential to become a worldwide calamity.
We have also seen the COVID pandemic and the disruption to economic affairs, healthcare availability, and to many civil and international relationships. Another pandemic would be disastrous.
I could go on and on with the problems we face and the problems we don’t even know how to predict. We know the darkness that we face. But is there a solution.
One of the most important solutions is the one promised at Fatima in 1917. “In the end my Immaculate Heart will be victorious.” And, as Mary has spoken over and over in her messages at Medjugorje, “Pray! Pray! Pray!”
In this month of the Holy Rosary, let us recommit ourselves to making the rosary a regular part of our prayer. It has been held up to us by saints and popes throughout the centuries as one of the most important and most powerful weapons that we possess.
In the face of world-wide disasters, pray the rosary. When you are facing serious illness, pray the rosary. If you are seeking God’s will in your life, pray the rosary. If there are struggles in your marriage, or in your family, pray the rosary. When someone you know dies, pray the rosary.  When you are struggling with sin, pray the rosary. When your life is good, pray the rosary. When you want to give thanks for your many blessings, pray the rosary. When you are driving in your car, pray the rosary. If you are taking a walk in your neighborhood, pray the rosary. If you are having trouble falling asleep, pray the rosary. I think by now you get my point. If my point annoys you, pray the rosary.