From drab to fab

The work sacristy just off the east side of the sanctuary has gotten a makeover!

The work sacristy is a repository for the flotsam and jetsam of maintaining the church--cleaning supplies, candles, plant stands, musical instruments and sound equipment, etc. As such, there hasn't been much call for improving its appearance. But over the course of the summer, the space has been transformed from drab to fab, with freshly painted walls and woodwork, new cabinetry, a large stainless-steel sink, laminated flooring and improved electrical access. The upgrades have made the area more functional and lighter.

Here are the before and after photos:
Another improvement has been the addition of a handrail on the left side of the center steps into the sanctuary. The handrail matches the carved oak of the ambo, altar and communion rail and is designed to help liturgical ministers safely access the sanctuary. Thanks to Vic Canfield, facilities manager, for overseeing these projects, which are a wonderful addition to the beauty of Mother of God Church.