quarterly collection set for feb. 9

Following each Mass on Sunday, Feb. 9, Mother of God Vincentians will be accepting donations to help our neighbors. Many of the folks we are called to see have very limited incomes, minimum wage jobs, part-time jobs, social security or disability. They have difficulty keeping up with the increased cost of housing, utilities, food and everything to maintain life.
With the cold winter we are experiencing, we already have families struggling with utility bills. We work with local agencies that sometimes have grant funds to assist with housing and utilities, but those grants exhaust fast. We work with landlords and utility companies to avoid shut offs and evictions and help set up payment plans when possible. We can provide vouchers for food, clothing, housewares and furniture when needed.
MoG Vincentians visit families and individuals in their homes and listen to their stories. We bring the love and generosity of our MoG faith family to those we visit.
Envelopes are available in the pews and boxes at church entrances. Any checks should be made to MoG SVDP. Your generosity and prayers make this ministry possible. We are thankful for your continued support and remember you in our prayers.