Thanks, St. Vincent de Paul

Congratulations and thank you to the St. Vincent de Paul Society who celebrate their 100th anniversary here at Mother of God this Sunday after both Masses in the church hall. We are celebrating the founding of our conference in February 1923 and recognizing the first store director, Andrew Lonneman. Vincentians will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about their ministry.

They do a fantastic job at serving the least of the brothers and sisters of Jesus. And they do it in a prayerful and loving manner, helping people to become more self-sufficient, if they can.
They are always in need of contributions and more members to serve our neighbors. So, please consider how you can support and assist their ministry.

Envelopes are in the pews for our quarterly collection, next Sunday, July 28. We are grateful for your continued support. Because of your generosity, we have been able to answer the calls we receive for assistance.