with one heart: update on sustainability

The With One Heart Implementation Team
The Implementation Team has been meeting regularly to discuss our progress toward Mother of God’s three main priorities as a Next Generation parish: Sustainability, Faith Formation and Engagement. The team has pledged to keep everyone informed about the work they are doing, recognizing that open communication is key to our success. This month, we focus on Sustainability.
Under this priority, we have two goals:

  • Develop a robust sustainability plan to ensure the perpetual life of the parish based on sound financial processes, optimal personnel structure, and strategic use of campus resources by March 2026.
  • In collaboration with the pastor, staff, and key volunteers, create a parish operations manual outlining standard operating procedures by March 2026.

Currently, we have developed a set of interview questions for parish staff and ministry leaders regarding the scope of their duties and how they are carried out. We are in the process of conducting these interviews via email, phone and in person and will compile the information we receive in a document that will become a parish operations manual.

“Our goal is to capture some of the institutional knowledge people have so we can preserve it for future generations and so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel when someone retires or is unable to continue in their role,” says Cindy Duesing, a Sustainability priority leader. “It also gives people flexibility so that, if they need to be away for a while, their ministry can continue without disruption for the parish.”

The information gathered from these interviews is already revealing the breadth and depth of what people do that most of us don’t even realize. And it is prompting ministry leaders and staff to think about the importance of having a succession plan.

“The good news is that things work amazingly well at Mother of God,” says Cindy, “but that can also lull us into taking for granted that the work will get done. Until it doesn’t. By taking a closer look at what it takes to establish a vibrant parish community, we are ensuring that we can keep it that way for years to come.”

The Sustainability priority team is: Ian Munday, Joe Geraci, Luke Cahill and Cindy Duesing.