pray for our planet

I mentioned above that celebrating Labor Day should remind us of our responsibility to care for this planet. Today is World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.
One of the sad human realities is that renters tend to not take care of their homes like someone who owns their home would. We all know this. The thought is, I am only here for a short time, so why do I want to make sure that the home is well taken care of? At one of my former parishes, we had a couple of rental properties. In one, when the renters moved out, they left the apartment in disgusting shape. I could not imagine that they lived in such filth.
Many people live in this world as if they are just renters. With no regard for anyone coming after them, they trash and use up this world’s resources as if those resources will always be there. Or they think, as long as these things are here when I need them, so what? If you live in your own home, and you have pride in your home, you constantly fix it up and make it more beautiful. You take care of the building, the yard, etc.
On this day, we pray that all human beings will love and treasure this beautiful home that God has given us, that we will protect our atmosphere, our water, and our land, so that it will serve us and equally serve future generations. May we be wise, and not foolish, in how we treat and care for this Earth.