pray for peace

Jan. 1 is also celebrated as the World Day of Prayer for Peace by the Church. We are not allowed to substitute prayers for peace for those celebrating the Solemnity of Mary, but we are all encouraged to pray for peace on that day.
Certainly, we are aware of the conflicts in the Middle East and the war between Ukraine and Russia. Hard numbers about how many wars are being fought right now are difficult to find, because some use those involved in official wars and conflicts, and others are broader. For instance, some list the war in Mexico against the drug cartels, while others do not. The number seems to be around 56, with about six of these being major wars between nations. There are also civil wars that raise that number.
Some stories on this matter say there is more warlike conflict in the world today than at any time since World War II. That is frightening and terribly sad. 
Let us make prayer for peace in our world a daily part of our petitions to God.