We Are the Body of Christ
Jan. 26, 2025
For two weeks now we have been reading from the First Letter of Corinthians about the Church. Last week we heard St. Paul tell us that everyone within the Church is given some spiritual gift for the sake of the Body. Similarly, this week Paul teaches us that we are all important to the Church, for we together make up the Body of Christ. In these two passages, St. Paul teaches us some important things about the Church.
The Church is the Body of Christ. By the power of the Spirit of God, we make Christ present in the world today. When people wonder where they can find Christ, we should be able to point to the Church herself and say that we are the presence of Jesus Christ in the world. I am not the Church of Jesus Christ, and you are not the Church of Jesus Christ. We together make up the Church of Jesus Christ.
The Spirit has given each of us certain spiritual gifts for the building up of the entire Body of Christ. What gifts has He given to us that are for the sake of the Church? Paul tells us that some have the expression of wisdom. Others the expression of knowledge. Another has the gift of faith. Some have the gift of healing, of performing mighty deeds, of prophecy, discernment of spirits, varieties of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. How have you been gifted by the Spirit of God, and how are you using these gifts for the sake of the Church?
This week he tells us that there are different roles within the Church. Some are apostles, others are prophets, teachers, workers of mighty deeds, healers, etc. Every individual is important because each of us is a part of the Body of Christ. Without your gifts, the Church is incomplete.
How do you use your gifts, and what part do you play in our parish?
—Fr. Mike Comer
For two weeks now we have been reading from the First Letter of Corinthians about the Church. Last week we heard St. Paul tell us that everyone within the Church is given some spiritual gift for the sake of the Body. Similarly, this week Paul teaches us that we are all important to the Church, for we together make up the Body of Christ. In these two passages, St. Paul teaches us some important things about the Church.
The Church is the Body of Christ. By the power of the Spirit of God, we make Christ present in the world today. When people wonder where they can find Christ, we should be able to point to the Church herself and say that we are the presence of Jesus Christ in the world. I am not the Church of Jesus Christ, and you are not the Church of Jesus Christ. We together make up the Church of Jesus Christ.
The Spirit has given each of us certain spiritual gifts for the building up of the entire Body of Christ. What gifts has He given to us that are for the sake of the Church? Paul tells us that some have the expression of wisdom. Others the expression of knowledge. Another has the gift of faith. Some have the gift of healing, of performing mighty deeds, of prophecy, discernment of spirits, varieties of tongues, and interpretation of tongues. How have you been gifted by the Spirit of God, and how are you using these gifts for the sake of the Church?
This week he tells us that there are different roles within the Church. Some are apostles, others are prophets, teachers, workers of mighty deeds, healers, etc. Every individual is important because each of us is a part of the Body of Christ. Without your gifts, the Church is incomplete.
How do you use your gifts, and what part do you play in our parish?
—Fr. Mike Comer

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