Update from Fr. Mike

April 3, 2024

Dear Friends,
I hope that you are all doing well. Thought I should let you know how I am doing.  
The doctors did diagnose me with a small stroke. It did not cause any paralysis or slurring of speech. There was confusion, and for a short period of time, I could not put sentences together or use words properly. That went away fairly quickly.  
I have no symptoms at this point. There are a number of health issues that seem to have contributed to this problem that I will have to address very carefully. Part of my recovery will be to take good care of myself and rest. I am doing Masses each day but not much else for a week or so. My staff are taking  care of everything while I am out of commission.  
When there is more pertinent information I will share it with you.
It did sadden me to miss the entire Triduum. Although those ceremonies are exhausting and stressful, I get great inspiration and comfort from them. This was the first time I could not be present for them. I did watch Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter morning on my phone from my hospital room. They were beautiful. Fr. Schaeper did a magnificent job. This was his first time leading the Triduum.  
I want to thank my entire staff and other members of the parish who did such a great job with the entire Triduum and the Parish Council for the dinner before the Holy Thursday ceremony. Unfortunately, I left for the hospital during the dinner, so the service that night was not a true Mass, but I have heard great things about how well it went.
We also had tremendous crowds for the Easter liturgies—over 400 at the 9:30 am Mass, and over 700 at the 11:30 Mass.

The music was beautiful at both Masses. I especially want to thank the Contemporary Ensemble for doing the Communion Meditation entitled Gratitude! I had heard the song last year and was completely blown away by it. I asked the group if they would learn it, and their plan was to surprise me with it on Easter. Well, obviously, that did not work out, but they told me they were doing it, and I was able to watch it from my hospital room. It is one of the most powerful songs I have ever heard, and they did a dynamite job of it. I was crying, almost sobbing, as I listened to it.  
Thank you to all the other ministers and anyone who did anything to make our liturgies so beautiful. Also, thank you to all who have volunteered, as well as those who have prayed for me.
This entire experience has reminded me once again how blessed I am to be your pastor. My hope is that I can get a few more years in before it is time for me to retire.
Have a great Easter season.
Fr. Mike Comer 

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