Bishop Iffert Launches Campaign of Mercy

July 14, 2024

A few weeks ago, Bishop Iffert launched a Campaign for Mercy in the Diocese of Covington. This campaign is based on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and encourages all parishes and individuals to be involved in these works of mercy on a regular basis.

Some of these works supported by Mother of God Church are St. Vincent de Paul, the Emergency Shelter, our Bereavement Ministry, Parish Kitchen, etc. I know that many of you are involved in other groups that provide merciful support to the least of the brothers and sisters of Jesus that we may not be aware of. These can also include shorter-term service projects. Please let me know of these, so that I can highlight them in the future.

I will speak of these works at Mass this Sunday. Below are the Corporal Works of Mercy. Next week I will address the Spiritual Works of Mercy. I hope that all of you are engaged in these works already but may consider making a greater commitment.          
Corporal Works of Mercy
  • Feed the hungry
  • Give drink to the thirsty
  • Clothe the naked
  • Give shelter to the homeless
  • Visit prisoners
  • Visit the sick
  • Bury the dead

I will be inviting some representatives from different agencies to speak to us at Mass and to give each of you an opportunity to meet them, ask questions, volunteer, or make donations.
These are the responsibilities of every Christian.
Fr. Mike Comer

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